Working Group Report: European Homicide Research Working Group

Nora Markwalder

Nora Markwalder

Universität St.Gallen


The European Homicide Research Working Group’s goal is to stimulate homicide research in Europe and to promote contact between researchers working on homicide studies in Europe and beyond.

Last year, the European Homicide Research Working Group again organised two sessions at the ESC conference in Florence. A first pre-arranged panel contained contributions about homicide trends as well as different subtypes of homicide incidents in various European countries which used the European Homicide Monitor system. The Working Group also hosted, in collaboration with the European Homicide Monitor network, an Author Meets Critics panel of the book “Nordic Homicide in Deep Time”, with Janne Kivivuori as one of the book authors, Marieke Liem and Manuel Eisner as discussants and Nora Markwalder as moderator. The book is based on the idea of expanding the European Homicide Monitor backwards in time and collecting data on historic homicides. The book, as well as the coding manual and ready-made coding templates, are open-access resources freely downloadable and usable by anyone interested in long- term homicide studies (for access go to here).


The members of the Working Group also met for a social event at the Ristorante Frescobaldi and found the time to discuss further over some wine and cheese. The Working Group is always happy to add new members. For researchers interested in joining the Working Group or in case of questions, please get in contact with the Chair Nora Markwalder (nora.